Disclamer : Do not try any of this at home without proper SuperVision..
This Blog contains the rants and raves
of a married couple with child.. they are not YOUR typical parents...

Monday, September 27, 2010

shit our parents say... 001

Background here is Vaz and I are both first generation Americans.
My dad is from Hungary. My mom is from Venezuela. His parents are both Armenian from Iran.

lots of things get lost in translation.

Yesterday was a nice Sunday dinner out with Vaz's parents. They adore our offspring Melo more than life and love any outing with her involved.

It was pretty low key... Nice dinner Melo was entertained and entertaining, then inevitably comes the question.. SOOOOOoooooo when will you guys have an other child.

Vaz and I are used to this.

New addition to this conversation however was my father-in-law's rhyming farsi phrase (that they translated to us numerous times the same way with emphasis on different words. Maybe it would make sense to us if they kept repeating it?).

This was meant to encourage us to have an other kid:


Friday, September 24, 2010

Melo's Video on the 1&2's

Baby scratch basics

About 2 years ago I decided to start spinning records again.. Mainly at home with never any thought of doing any gigs again... I used to spin weekly in manhattan a million years ago. I play records for about an hour a day at home for my wife and now for the past year with Melo on my lap. She stays perfectly still hypnotized by the two simultaneous spinning vinyl while I attempt to mix. She regularly requests that I play "mucics" with the "circles" and has grown a love for old school house music. I would play Hip-hop and she would get frustrated and point towards a stack of records and yell "no,  dance!" Even when I was at work she would drag Michelle into our studio and grab a record, point up to the turn tables and yell "MUCICS! circle circle MUCICS!" Recently she has even mastered the art of the baby scratch.. No seriously, she will sit on my lap and gently scratch any record without making the needle skip.. She has an understanding that the needle and the mixer have to be in certain positions in order to scratch... she even slaps the fader back and forth while the records are playing between the 2 channels. Here I go typing like a proud father.. video proof to come soon..

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Don't get any big ideas

Seriously? blog anxiety? I thought this would be like therapy. An outlet for all the thoughts milling around our brains... just put it out there and exhale.

But I'm stressing. Do I write about my family, my friends, my jobs, my kid, my customers, my aquaintances, my life, my likes, my dislikes?

I'm thinking yes. right? go big or go home. If people get offeneded, it will probably be because something is really true

Why would you care to read about this shit? Because it's funny and maybe even insightful.

Kindof like Everybody loves Raymond but way more hip and way more ethic and NYC.

We're surrounded by crazy, interesting, strange, annoying, smart, stupid, real... friends and family. We've got lots of material and lots of opinions.

We can't make this stuff up, but we're willing to share

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Endlessly Breaking Atoms..

Some may remember my previous blog, which I felt had made its point, and its time to move on.. I'm a proud father and happy husband now with new perspectives. I felt I had to rant and cause some controversy among my friends. Well, now its time, with my P.I.C, to open up another can of worms.. This will not be a typical blog my friends would ever anticipate.. More like a experiment with my wife to teach the truth.. Sit back, relax and enjoy the ride.. If you sence a overwhelming feeling a clarity. Do not panic. It only proves you are highly intelligent, sane and moral. And always remember NO STANDING ON BENCHES!