Disclamer : Do not try any of this at home without proper SuperVision..
This Blog contains the rants and raves
of a married couple with child.. they are not YOUR typical parents...

Monday, October 25, 2010

Who said that was cute?!

I recently saw 2 of maybe my top ten ugliest footwear on the train. Strangely they BOTH had to do with innappropriate toe exposure. I managed to snap pics with my phone.

Exhibit A
Homegirl was wearing a hoody, a scarf, a leather jacket, jeans and these gems:

When she walked her all toes with the exception of the big toes... TOUCHED THE GROUND. Also, her pedicure was JACKED, like weeks old, grown out, chipped. Why did she feel it so necessary to expose her toes on this cold day?! even in the summer... these sandals are just ugly. I don't get the trend.

The second is
Exhibit B

Buddy, you're wearing jeans and a button down on the subway. I don't care if these are THE MOST COMFORTABLE SHOES ON THE PLANET... if you're not in some sort of race... why are you wearing them? They look like alien gorilla feet.

1 comment:

  1. Omg! Totally know what you mean! Do not get the whole mocassin slipper thing I've been seeing around the city... Ugly!
