My mother-in-law is very soft spoken. Her natural speaking voice is high, soft, breathy falsetto, and she has an accent because her first languages are Armenian and Farsi... I do a great impression.
You want to believe everything that comes out in this sweet calm voice, but when it comes to public opinion or my daughter you can't.
She doesn't lie, really... she fibs. (though I can TOTALLY see her in the future straight up lying to cover Melo's teenage tracks. We will have to prepare for this). Right now it's small things that make Vaz roll his eyes at me and I nod back with understanding.
They have a hard time laying down the law with Melo their first and only grandchild, so like yesterday, when Vaz and I go over to pick Melo up after work and she walks over to their new flat screen TV and starts poking it to show what is on the screen Vaz tells her "Don't touch the TV, Melania" followed by WAHHHHHHH scream pout fit by Melo, followed by Vaz's mom scooping her up and saying... "She NEVER touches the TV"
Even though she just did, in front of us.
We have heard this before. "'She never draws on the table." "She never cries." "She never does this." "She never as a tantrum." Always after she's just done the offending act in front of us, making it seem like she must only do these things when we are around.
Sure sure grandma. We get it. Your grandchild is an absolute angel OR maybe you just rarely say no to her...